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Anadrol Results and Side Effects

Anadrol results are popular in bodybuilding. Check out Anadrol results and side effects.

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Anadrol (Oxymetholone) is one of the most powerful anabolic steroids available on planet earth. Popular Anadrol Results include enormous strength, energy, stamina, muscle mass and endurance. Anadrol was initially developed for the treatment of patients who were suffering from extra anemia. The basic feature of this potent steroid was to increase red blood cell production in the body.

Anadrol is the top choice for bodybuilders and athletes. Improved red blood cell production promotes oxygen flow to the starved muscles.

After intense workouts, there are two prime aspects that muscles utilize to provide mass and bulk: nitrogen and oxygen. Anadrol has the ability to provide these two things which makes it the top choice for bodybuilders.

Anadrol provides massive muscle mass and bulk gains in the first month of use and then it will drop off.

It is the best time to stop steroid usage as strong anabolic steroids like Anadrol can cause some serious side effects.

Anadrol Results


Anadrol results are extremely popular among bodybuilders. Some popular Anadrol results are:

  • Increases Appetite
  • Improves Red cell production
  • Promotes weight gain
  • Increases Strength
  • Enhance Muscle Mass

Now all these Anadrol results are in high demand for serious bodybuilders.

But wait; don’t forget the nasty side effects associated with anabolic steroids and Anadrol the worst of all. You can avoid these side effects with proper use or use safe Anadrol alternatives.

Anadrol Side Effects


Here are some dangerous side effects of Anadrol.

  • Male Pattern Baldness
  • Gynecomastia (Man boobs)
  • Acne
  • Liver toxicity

Some of these side effects are permanent and may result in body organ loss too. However, proper guidance and use are the best way to avoid side effects.

Don’t drink alcohol if you are using Anadrol as the combination can result in the worse condition.

One thing is very important to understand that if you are not using proper diet and workouts then alone steroids like Anadrol cannot don’t anything.

Never exceed the amount of Anadrol then recommended dose. Anadrol results can be attractive but be aware of the side effects as there is nothing precious than life.